Huge Playmat - 160x90 cm
If you have already invested in buying a bigger table so that all your board games can fit on it, it’s high time you gave your best to your board game nights! These premium quality playmats provide you with a special playing surface. Once you have used them, you will never want to play without them. Their unique material and design can’t be compared to anything else. 3mm thickness, printed and stitched edge, waterproof fabric make our playmats especial.
Just roll a die on them or withdraw a card , a meeple or anything else from them and you will understand the point. We bet once you have played on a playing surface like this, you will end up loving it.
Cyan gear - 160x90cm playmat
Even after many minutes, we couldn't find a really striking, short description for this, this playmat is so special...
Burgundy - 160x90cm playmat
Let's play - 160x90cm playmat
Shoot the Meeple - 160x90 playmat
6 players - 160x90 playmat
You will not believe how large it is! Anything that does not fit on this playmat, won’t on the table either!