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03/09/2023 10:19:43 PM
How did it all begin?
03/09/2023 10:03:16 PM
What makes a good playmat?
A terrain, a board game mat, gaming mat or the most often used word: playmat! You might wonder why a playmat is a better option to be put under board games than a tablecloth or some microfiber towel or something felt being stores advertised here and there?
03/09/2023 09:54:31 PM
Playmat and quality

It is difficult to form an opinon about something that you can’t  touch , have a look at or in our case unroll it on a table to have an idea what it is like when you get it. People do not generally know the fact that touching something  for the first time to get a better idea on it counts a lot more than reading ten sentences about something  . That’s the reason why we are in trouble to describe what these playmats really look like ,so we would rather try to list some factual information about them.

08/10/2021 09:49:35 PM

One of our favorites is undoubtedly Barrage. Great, unique theme, the game is very complex and challenging, it can be a slightly different experience for each number of players depending on the temperament, it's very atmospheric, compared to the fact that it is a complex euro.

31/08/2021 10:59:49 PM
The Road - Így Kickstarterezünk mi

Nem tudom ki hogy van vele, de én kimondottan izgalmas dolognak tartom a Kickstartert. Nem azt a részét, hogy itt adnak ki társasokat nagy kiadók, akiknek erre semmi szüksége nem lenne, hanem hogy támogathat az ember projekteket.

30/04/2021 08:24:00 PM
Milyen playmatet vegyek?
Amikor elkezdtünk gondolkozni azon, hogy milyen playmat kellene otthonra, rögtön jöttek az ötletek, hogy hát az űr és Sci fi témájú játékokhoz valami csillagosbolygósdartvéderes kellene, a történelmi témájúakhoz valami olyan régies hangulatú kardossárkányos, jó lenne valami olyan amire azt lehet mondani, hogy univerzális, és akkoriban nagyot ment nálam a Robinson, ezért mindenképp akartam egy régi térképes, iránytűs kalandorosat. 
Na akkor ezt most számold ki...
18/04/2021 10:01:00 PM
Playmat and quality

It is difficult to form an opinon about something that you can’t  touch , have a look at or in our case unroll it on a table to have an idea what it is like when you get it. People do not generally know the fact that touching something  for the first time to get a better idea on it counts a lot more than reading ten sentences about something  . That’s the reason why we are in trouble to describe what these playmats really look like ,so we would rather try to list some factual information about them.

28/03/2021 07:30:00 PM
What makes a good playmat?

A board game mat, gaming mat or the most often used word: playmat! You might wonder why a playmat is a better option to be put under board games than a tablecloth or some microfiber towel or something felt being stores advertised here and there?

20/03/2021 08:01:00 PM
How did it all begin?

It began somewhere in 2013 when we discovered BGG. That time we only found out more on one or two games but still could not guess how far it will lead us…