It’s as black as Darth Vader’s cloak. In our opinion, if Vader played board games, he would choose this playmat for sure. In order that it isn’t totally self-coloured , it got moderate light artwork that compensates dark background. It isn’t pushy either and the patterns refer to hexagonal board game tiles. You can look at it for long minutes before your eyes are able to catch sight of it , these patterns flowing freely and quietly help you tune in the following party.
There is no board game that this playmat wouldn’t match it and there is no board game that wouldn’t completely fit on it.
On the one hand, it’s something like piano black paint in top-of-the-range automotive interiors : it’s eye-catching and you can proudly collect your friends’ appreciation.On the other hand, due to the fact that it is stored rolled up, some light waves can be better seen on its dark black surface than on colourful ones and it easily gathers dust and other stuff light that . But only until the following board game party when it is unrolled clean again to impress you with its large size!
Playing on it is an experience you’ve never experienced before , the feeling of rolling dice is beyond expression, it’s simply different from doing it on any other surface. It’s quiet, easy, exciting. Placing board game components, collecting resources , handling cards have never been as comfortable as on this playmat.
A 3-mm-thick playmat provides you with an extra fine play terrain on all surfaces. It makes height differences at tables joints, uneven surfaces disappear. Stitched and printed edges make it particular and durable . The waterproof and extra soft fabric is easy to clean because of artwork and if anything spills on it , its rubber backing ensures it is non-slip.
Playmats level up board game experience!
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Méret: | 140x80cm (+-1,5cm) |
Thickness | 3mm |
Material | Waterproof |
Edge | Stitched-printed |
Bottom | Non-slip, rubber |
Ezzel a hatalmas, éjsötét playmattel megoldódott a játéktér behatárolása: minden ráfér, akár az asztalon, akár a szoba padlóját terítjük ki. A játékelemek kiemelkednek a fekete háttéren, nem gurulnak, csúsznak el. Nagyon elégedett vagyok a választással.
Külön köszönet a kedves ajándékért és a személyes üzenetért a csomagolásban.
Üvegasztalunk van sokat kínlódtunk korábban a kártyák alkatrészek felvételével a csúszkálás is bosszantó volt.
A playmatnak hála ez már a múlté. Kellemes tapintása van a szövetnek a gumírozott aljának köszönhetően fixen rásimul az asztalra vízálló és összességében elmondható róla hogy kíváló minőséget képvisel.
Ja és nagyon vagányan néz ki!