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Barrage board game

75.0 EUR
- Hungarian edition - According to the story, we are in the dystopian past sometime in the 1920s. The first great world conflagration has already ended, but industrial development has taken a strange direction, because in the wake of Tesla's legacy, a new war is unfolding between the mountains of the Alps. A fight for the use of water, for the continuously extractable energy inherent in it
Availability: Szállítás alatt
Shipping fee: 5.1 EUR
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The Barrage is an epic worker placement strategy game. Up to four players compete over five rounds and plan their construction actions to build their hydropower infrastructure on a segmented and challenging game map. They must place their structures smartly to prevent their opponents from stealing the most valuable resource: water. By controlling water, energy can be produced and profitable contracts can be fulfilled. He brings the theme casually and easily, which - let's face it - is still industrial and dry at first hearing. But the graphics, the background story, the gameplay and the constructions that stand out from the board, come together well into a very atmospheric, serious game. Into a strategic, brain-burning, heavy thematic euro.


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